Sewing With Nancy- Fashion That Fits No Matter What the Size

 ZNO English Do Test 13


Y'all are going to read an extract from a novel.
For questions ane-8, choose the answer (А-D) which yous retrieve fits best according to the text.

I shifted uncomfortably within my best suit and eased a finger inside the tight white neckband. It was hot in the little autobus and I had taken a seat on the wrong side where the summer sun trounce on the windows. It was a strange outfit for the weather, just a few miles alee my futurity employer might be waiting for me and I had to make a practiced impression.

At that place was a lot depending on this interview. Many friends who had qualified with me were unemployed or working in shops or equally labourers in the shipyards. So many that I had almost given up promise of whatever hereafter for myself equally a veterinary surgeon.

There were usually 2 or three jobs advertised in the Veterinarian Record each calendar week and an average of 80 applicants for each one. It hadn't seemed possible when the letter came from Darrowby in Yorkshire. Mr S. Farnon would similar to run into me on the Friday afternoon; I was to come to tea and, if we were suited to each other, I could stay on as his banana. Most young people emerging from the colleges later on five years of hard work were faced by a world unimpressed by their enthusiasm and bursting noesis. And so I had grabbed the lifeline unbelievingly.

The driver crashed his gears again as we went into some other steep curve. We had been climbing steadily now for the last fifteen miles or so, moving closer to the distant blue of the Pennine Hills. I had never been in Yorkshire before, but the name had always raised a picture of a region as heavy and unromantic as the pudding of the same proper noun; I was prepared for solid respectability, dullness and a total lack of amuse. Simply as the autobus made its way higher, I began to wonder. At that place were high grassy hills and wide valleys. In the valley bottoms, rivers twisted among the trees and solid grey rock farmhouses lay amid islands of cultivated land which pushed up the wild, night hillsides.

Suddenly, I realised the charabanc was clattering along a narrow street which opened onto a square where we stopped. Above the window of a small grocer's shop I read 'Darrowby Co-operative Society'. We had arrived. I got out and stood beside my battered suitcase, looking near me. In that location was something unusual and I didn't know what it was at first. So it came to me. The other passengers had dispersed, the driver had switched off the engine and at that place was not a sound or a movement anywhere. The merely visible sign of life was a group of former men sitting round the clock belfry in the heart of the foursquare, simply they might have been carved of stone.

Darrowby didn't get much space in the guidebooks, but where it was mentioned it was described as a grey little town on the River Arrow with a market place and niggling of involvement except its two ancient bridges. But when you looked at it, its setting was beautiful. Everywhere from the windows of houses in Darrowby you lot could see the hills. There was a clearness in the air, a sense of space and airiness that made me experience I had left something behind. The force per unit area of the urban center, the noise, the smoke - already they seemed to be falling abroad from me.

Trengate Street was a quiet route leading off the square and from there I had my offset sight of Skeldale House. I knew information technology was the right identify earlier I was virtually enough to read S. Farnon, Veterinarian Surgeon on the erstwhile-fashioned brass nameplate. I knew past the ivy which grew untidily over the red brick, climbing upwards to the topmost windows. It was what the letter had said - the simply house with ivy; and this could exist where I would work for the first time as a veterinary surgeon. I rang the doorbell.

1 As he travelled, the author regretted his option of

A seat.
B clothes.
C career.
D means of transport.

2 What had surprised the author nearly the job?

A There had been no advertisement.
B Не had been contacted past letter.
C There was an invitation to tea.
D He had been selected for interview.

3 The writer uses the phrase 'I had grabbed the lifeline' (paragraph 3) to show that he felt

A confident of his ability.
B ready to consider any offer.
C cautious about accepting the invitation.
D forced to brand a decision unwillingly.

4 What impression had the writer previously had of Yorkshire?

A It was a beautiful identify.
B Information technology was a boring identify.
C It was a charming place.
D It was an unhappy identify.

v What did the writer find unusual virtually Darrowby?

A the location of the jitney stop
B the small-scale number of shops
C the blueprint of the square
D the lack of activity

6 What did the writer feel the guidebooks had missed about Darrowby?

A the beauty of the houses
B the importance of the bridges
C the lovely views from the boondocks
D the impressive public spaces

7 How did the writer recognise Skeldale Business firm?

A The name was on the door.
B Information technology had red bricks.
C There was a certain plant exterior.
D Information technology stood alone.

eight How did the author's attitude change during the passage?

A He began to feel he might like living in Darrowby.
B Не became less enthusiastic nigh the job.
C Не realised his journey was probable to take been a waste of fourth dimension.
D He started to look forward to having the interview.

Task 1
# A B C D

Job 2

You are going to read an article almost a woman who is a downhill mountain-bike racer.
Seven sentences have been removed from the commodity.
Cull from the sentences A-H the one which fits each gap (9-15).
In that location is one extra sentence which you do not demand to use.

YOUR Answer
TASK two
# A B C D Eastward F Chiliad H

TASK iii

You are going to read a mag commodity nigh people who collect things.
For questions 16-30, choose from the people (A-D).
The people may be chosen more than once.

# A B C D East F Yard H

Task four

For questions 31-42, read the text below and decide which answer (А-D) best fits each gap.

A dear of travelling

For Nigel Portman, a love of travelling began with what's called a 'gap yr'. In common with many other British teenagers, he chose to take a year out before 31_____ to study for his degree. Later doing various jobs to 32_____ some money, he left home to gain some feel of life in different cultures, visiting America and Asia. The more than adventurous the immature person, the 33_____ the claiming they are likely to 34_____ themselves for the gap year, and for some, like Nigel, it tin can 35_____ in a thirst for adventure.

Now that his university course has 36_____ to an end, Nigel is just nearly to leave on a three-year trip that will accept him 37_____ around the world. What's more, he plans to brand the whole journey using but means of ship which are 38_____ by natural energy. In other words, he'll exist 39_____ more often than not on bicycles and his own legs; and when there's an ocean to cantankerous, he won't be taking a 40_____ cut by climbing aboard a plane, he'll exist joining the crew of a sailing send 41_____

As well as doing some mount climbing and other outdoor pursuits along the way, Nigel hopes to 42_____ on to the people he meets the environmental message that lies behind the whole thought.

31 A settling downwards B getting up C taking over D property back
32 A achieve B heighten C advance D win
33 A stronger B wider C greater D deeper
34 A put B ready C aim Dplace
35 A effect B lead C crusade D create
36 A come B turned C reached D brought
37 A just B complete C whole D right
38 A pulled B charged C forced D powered
39 A relying B using C attempting D trying
twoscore A quick B brusk C brief D swift
41 A anyhow B alike C instead D otherwise
42 A leave B go along C pass D requite
YOUR Reply
# A B C D

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